Busy summer

This summer has been very eventful for me and my family and not just because of the world pandemic. Some of you might have noticed that I haven´t been very active in blogging or on social media for couple of months. This is due to some happy personal situations.

To recount what has happened we need to start by going back to June. On June 24th we had our third child. She´s fantastic and perfect like her older sisters. It´s been 11 years since our middle one was born so it took some time getting back into the baby parenting role again but I´m thoroughly enjoying it.

On August 1st we moved from Iceland to Denmark. We had been planning the move for a while as we wanted to be closer to my wife’s family as I travel quite a bit (or I used to at least). The plan was to move at the end of May when our older daughters were done with exams in their school but before our youngest was born. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic prevented us from taking to Denmark to look at houses. I managed to do that on June 15th, less than a week before the expected birthdate. My wife and I made a pact. I would find us the perfect house and she would keep the baby in until I came back. Both things worked out as planned ?. It´s a big thing moving between countries separated by an ocean. You need to pack your stuff into a shipping container two weeks before you want to receive it in the new house. This meant we risked being homeless for 14 days with a newborn. Luckily my sister could loan us an apartment, so it worked out well.

These two big events took all my energy in the last 2-3 months as you might understand.

Now I´m back to full work and ready to start to contribute more to the community and participate more.

While I was in my online hiatus some great professional things happened as well.

  • My MVP award got renewed for the third time
  • I got selected to speak at PASS Summit
  • I got selected to speak at SQL Saturday Gothenburg on September 5th (really looking forward to that one)
  • I´m still speaking at SQL Bits although now virtual. I have a training day that I´m adapting to online delivery. That is going to be awesome.
  • #DataWeekender #TheSQL has opened call for speaker.
  • Me and Michael Johnson finished the first draft of the book we are writing

Expect to see some posts about the coming events from me and also some posts where I continue my series on Power BI monitoring and governance.

If you like to connect or get in touch you can subscribe to my newsletter in the box to the right or find me on social media. If you like to see what we have to offer you can navigate to https://northinsights.com

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